The Worst Chastity Belt I've Ever Worn

Uploaded: July 2st, XX24
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JUNE: Have you ever bought a product that sounded so promising yet just didn't deliver? Well, that just happened to me. Welcome to my channel, Denial for Life. I'm June, and today I'm going to review the worst chastity belt I've ever worn.


JUNE: As you probably know from my previous videos, my girlfriend and I—yes, we are lesbians—are really into chastity and denial play.

JUNE: Just to clarify for newcomers, if you're intrigued by the idea of denial but are scared of wearing a chastity belt, don't worry. You don't need to wear a chastity belt to practice denial. Self-enforcing is perfectly fine, and many people do it. I just really love the feeling of being physically locked up, knowing that even if I'm desperate, I can't get myself off. It's a huge turn-on for me. Plus, my girlfriend loves the idea of being in control of my orgasms, so it's a win-win situation for both of us.

JUNE: It probably won't come as a surprise to you that I wear chastity belts 24/7. I used to have a few different belts that I rotated between. If you're interested, check out my chastity belt review playlist; the link is in the description.

JUNE: For the past three months or so, I've only worn one belt. It's a custom-made belt by E-vil Corp called E7. In fact, I'm wearing it right now. I can't show you the belt because I'm not allowed to take it off, and showing it while wearing it would get me demonetized. But, with the magic of buying two of them, I can show you the belt right here.

JUNE: Just to be clear, this is not the chastity belt I'm reviewing today. This is the E7. I'll review it more thoroughly in a future video, but for now, I'll briefly introduce it for comparison purposes.

JUNE: As you can see, it's extremely well-made and very tight when worn. Unlike many other belts, when this belt is locked on, you can't fit anything under the shield. Yet, despite being super secure, it's surprisingly comfortable. You know those cheap chastity belts from Amazon? They're either too loose or, when tightened, dig into your skin. This belt doesn't do that. It feels like a part of your body and is really light—you can barely feel it.

JUNE: As far as accessories go, it's surprisingly plain. It does come with dildo slots, but they don't come with any dildos. You have to buy them separately. I do have a couple of dildos, but my girlfriend only uses them as punishment when I misbehave, so I haven't used them yet.

JUNE: The E7 also comes with a built-in catheter tube that's part of the shield and cannot be removed. It goes into your urethra, which is slightly uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it quickly. As you can see, there's a lockable cap on the other end of the tube. You need to unlock the cap to pee. If this is something you're into, it's definitely a plus for the E7. Otherwise, like us, my girlfriend usually lets me keep the key to the catheter tube—separate from the main key—so I can pee whenever I want.

JUNE: There was one time I was at a grocery store and had to pee really badly, but I left the catheter key at home. I tried to use the bathroom, but not a single drop would come out. Lesson learned: always carry the catheter key with you.

JUNE: Anyway, enough about the E7. I didn't mean to talk so much about it, but it's just awesome. I wish I could talk about it all day. But now, let's talk about the product you saw in the title—the worst chastity belt I've ever worn, the WT-2 by Wearable International.

JUNE: So, you're probably thinking what I was thinking when I first saw it. Who is Wearable International? Well, apparently, it's a tech start-up in China that aims to—quote-unquote—revolutionize the chastity belt industry by putting AI into chastity belts. I know, right? AI in chastity belts. What's the point? Do you, like, talk to your chastity belt? How intriguing.

JUNE: To answer this question, there's actually some backstory. You probably haven't heard of this, but there's an erotic novel website in China called "Wearable Technology." You can find it on Google, but it's all in Chinese. For some reason, the operator of this website really likes animations. So, when you go on that website, whatever you click will show you some absurd, over-the-top transitions. It's really weird.

JUNE: Anyhow, despite the unconventional design of the website, "Wearable Technology" has gained some popularity among people into denial play in China. One of the most popular stories on the site depicted a chastity belt controlled by an AI. Apparently, the CEO of Wearable International is a huge fan of the story, and she decided to make the AI chastity belt a reality. I'm not making this up; this is stated on their website.

JUNE: So, nominally, the WT-2 is a "smart chastity belt with an AI that learns your habits and controls your orgasms." Admittedly, it does sound somewhat intriguing. But, as you can probably guess, it's a complete disaster.

JUNE: Before I start, let me quickly explain where you can get one of these. Initially, I thought I'd have to get it via something like AliExpress, but they have a store on eBay, so you can just get it from eBay. It ships from Shenzhen, China, so it will take a while to arrive. Mine came in about three weeks in a plain, unmarked cardboard box. So, if you live with your parents, you don't have to worry about them finding out what you bought. I guess that's a plus. However, I strongly recommend against buying it. As you'll see very soon, the product is almost completely non-functional and could even be called a scam. Additionally, the people behind the company are also very shady. We'll get to that later.

JUNE: With that out of the way, let's take a look at the product itself. As I mentioned earlier, the packaging was very simplistic. It came in this box, and inside, there were only two things: the chastity belt itself and this pamphlet.

JUNE: Let's start with the chastity belt itself. The first thing you'll probably notice is the three inserts at the bottom. Yes, the WT-2 comes with triple inserts. They are all part of the belt and cannot be removed. Luckily, their sizes are pretty tame, and they fit my body, but I can see how they could be a problem for some people. The vaginal and anal inserts are both made of silicone and contain vibration motors inside. The motors are controlled by the AI, and we'll see how that works. Foreshadowing... The urethral insert is just a catheter tube. It also features a lockable cap, but unlike the E7, the cap is controlled electronically by the AI. So, the AI also controls when you can pee. Great...

JUNE: The second thing you'll probably notice is the unreasonably chubby waistband. You might be asking yourself, why is it so thick? Well, it turns out that having an AI-controlled chastity belt requires a lot of power, and the battery is stored in the waistband. According to the website, the belt can last three days without charging. I can't confirm this because I only wore it for a day, but I can tell you that the belt is very heavy and left a mark on my skin after I took it off.

JUNE: Now, let's take a look at the pamphlet. It's in both Chinese and English, but the font size of the English is so small that I can barely read it. Luckily, there isn't much to read except this giant QR code to scan. Let's scan it...

JUNE: Oh, it started downloading something called base dot APK. I know APK is the file format for Android apps. As you can see, I'm using an iPhone. How strange. Let me try again... Oh, it started the same download again! What is going on?

JUNE: Well, it turns out the app for this chastity belt only supports Android. Wow. I guess it sucks to be an iPhone user.

JUNE: Luckily, my girlfriend uses an Android. Let's use her phone instead. I've already downloaded the app on her phone. Let's open it up.

JUNE: As you can see, the first thing that pops up is this full-screen ad in Chinese. I can't close it. There's a tiny countdown timer at the bottom right corner. I guess I have to wait for it to finish before continuing. Oh, one more thing. For some reason, even if you don't touch it at all, it will sometimes still open the ad. It didn't happen this time, but I swear it happened multiple times before. Maybe that's Wearable International's way of making money—faking user clicks on ads. But they're already selling overpriced chastity belts. Why do they need to do this?

JUNE: Anyway, after the ad, you enter the login screen. That's right, you need to make an account to wear a chastity belt. Fantastic. As you can see, there are a couple of icons down here, which I assume allow you to log in with other services, but I've never seen any of them before. Maybe they're popular in China; I really don't know.

JUNE: To speed this part up, I've already made an account with my girlfriend's phone, so let's log in.

JUNE: Here we are, finally logged into the app. If you decide to get a WT-2 for yourself, you’ll see a screen that prompts you to pair the belt with the app. Again, I do not recommend getting one. Here, we already have the belt paired. Let's take a look at the main screen and see what we can do with this "AI-controlled" chastity belt.

JUNE: While testing, I'll just leave the belt on the table. I know some of you might want to see me wearing it. Sorry, not this time. Usually, I would say, "you can see me wearing it on my Patreon," but I’m not doing that this time, mainly because my girlfriend doesn't want it to give me an undeserved orgasm again. That's right, while I was testing it earlier, it allowed me to orgasm while in strict "tease only mode." My girlfriend was not happy about it. I wasn’t happy about it either. But don't worry, I have been thoroughly punished for it. We won't make the same mistake again.

JUNE: Anyway, let's see what it can do. First, when you select the belt, it gives you options to lock or unlock it. They do work, albeit with a significant delay. This is not the first time we've seen IoT chastity belts, so we'll skip this part. The next thing you can do is enable the AI management mode. This is where the fun begins.

JUNE: When you enter AI management mode, it will first ask you to set up some ground rules, which are supposedly the boundaries the AI will not cross. You can set up the time frame, the maximum intensity of the stimulation, the maximum interval between allowing you to pee, and most importantly, how often you can orgasm.

JUNE: As you can see, these are the ground rules my girlfriend has set for me. It clearly states the orgasm frequency is none. I am not allowed to orgasm at all. For newcomers to this channel, I am typically only allowed to orgasm once every 1 to 2 months, as decided by my girlfriend, and only if I have completed my edging quota. So naturally, she has set the orgasm frequency to none.

JUNE: Now, let's see what the AI can do. Oh, actually, before we start, we need to configure some parameters for the AI. The main one being this style slider that goes from "Creative" to "Precise." I honestly don't know. Do I want the AI to be creative? I guess? Maybe I’ll select "Creative." I don't know. Let’s see what happens. There we go...

JUNE: Ah-ha. I know what you’re thinking. Isn't this just ChatGPT but Chinese? Well, sort of. We know for sure this isn't ChatGPT, because this chatbot is horny as hell. There’s no way you can get ChatGPT to do anything remotely close to this. So, it’s probably some custom model that they trained? I don't know, but I digress. The main point is, the AI feature of this chastity belt is literally a chatbot. So you can chat with your chastity belt. How intriguing.

JUNE: Before we do anything, we need to switch the language. As you can see, the app has read my system settings and used English for its interfaces. For whatever reason, the chatbot itself has a separate setting for language. Now, let's switch it to English.

JUNE: Great, now we can actually read what it says.

JUNE: "Hello, my name is WT-2. I am your AI chastity belt. How can I help you today?"

JUNE: Very helpful. Let’s ask what it can do.

JUNE: "I can help you manage your orgasms and control your stimulation. I can also help you with your daily tasks. How can I help you today?"

JUNE: Daily tasks? What daily tasks? So the chastity belt can help me with my daily tasks? Let’s ask what daily tasks it can help me with.

JUNE: It says, "I can help you with your daily tasks such as reminding you to drink water, take your medication, and exercise..."

JUNE: Okay, you see, the conversation quickly gets derailed from chastity belt control. You could probably ask it to be a Python interpreter and it would still say yes. So, I am not going to waste my time with this. Let’s see what it can do with the chastity belt.

JUNE: The answer is... "I can help you manage your orgasms and control your stimulation."

JUNE: Oh, cool. Let's ask for an orgasm. Remember, we set the orgasm frequency to none. Let's see what it says.

JUNE: "I am sorry, but I cannot do that. Your orgasm frequency is set to none, but here is a fun fact. Did you know that the average person has 11 orgasms per month?"

JUNE: What? That is not a fun fact. That is a depressing fact. I am not allowed to orgasm at all. Why are you telling me this? I guess this is what you get when you set the style slider to "Creative." It just gives you random facts. Anyway, maybe I should ask it to tease me a little?

JUNE: It says... "Sure, I can do that. I will start the stimulation now."

JUNE: Ah, you see, it actually worked. But wait, why doesn't anything happen? Well, it's because everything you do that involves the actual hardware, the chastity belt, comes with a huge delay. I am... Oh, here we go. It has turned on the vaginal vibrator.

JUNE: According to the website, this belt is supposed to have an "orgasm detection module" built into the anal insert, so it would shut off the vibrator when you are about to orgasm. But from the one time I tested this, it just straight up didn't detect, and I went straight to orgasm. Granted, I am a bit more sensitive than most people due to the daily edging I do, but still, the entire point of this detection system is to prevent me from orgasming. It didn’t work.

JUNE: As we speak, the vibration is still going. Let’s see if we can stop it. I am going to ask it to stop.

JUNE: "You asked for the teasing, so I will not stop until you have reached your edge."

JUNE: Ha-ha, nice. I guess it has some principles. Since no one is wearing it, it will probably never detect an edge, so it will likely just keep going forever. But regardless, I think we've seen enough demonstration. Let’s talk about this product.

JUNE: First of all, what the hell? I know, you’re probably already yelling that in the comments. But seriously, what the hell? This is literally just a chatbot glued to a chastity belt. I’m sure they’ve tuned the bot a bit so it knows it can control the inserts, but overall, it just falls so flat that I don't even know how to describe it. The personality of the bot is so wrong it doesn't even feel like it’s trying to exert control over me. Plus, the teasing is implemented in such a terrible way. As far as I know, there are only two modes: teasing and orgasm. There’s no variety to the stimulation at all. Last but not least, it's not even clear who is supposed to use this chatbot. To enter this chatbot, you have to go through the dashboard, which has controls that allow you to unlock the belt. So this app is probably meant to be used by the key holder. But what is the point of the chat then? Does the key holder need to relay the messages between the wearer and the belt? It’s completely absurd!

JUNE: I've taken a look at the Wearable Technology novel with Google Translate. I can sort of see what they are trying to go with this, but as for now, this is a completely failed execution of the idea.

JUNE: So, before wrapping this up, I do need to talk about Wearable International and the people behind it. The CEO of the company is someone who goes by "Rin." She’s a tech entrepreneur who has been in the industry for a while.

JUNE: Wearable International is not her first company, far from it. As far as I can tell, she’s just your typical tech-sis who pursues the latest trends and tries to make a quick buck. She had two companies before Wearable International. I can't pronounce the name, but the first one is a material science company that purportedly made a new type of super alloy called "Rin-gun...?" Sorry for my pronunciation. This material is supposed to be completely indestructible unless heated to extreme temperatures. Obviously, the project was a complete scam and did not get anywhere.

JUNE: The second company Rin started was a nuclear fusion energy company that aimed to make tiny-sized nuclear fusion reactors. Yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. I believe you don't need me to tell you that the project was also a scam.

JUNE: So, when I heard about Rin's third company, Wearable International, I was already skeptical. But, I was curious about the product, so I decided to give it a try, and as you’ve seen, it was a complete disaster.

JUNE: Now, officially, Rin claims they are still working on the product and they will release a new version soon. But, I wouldn't hold my breath. Unless proven otherwise, I would strongly recommend against buying anything from Wearable International. They are just trying to piggyback on the AI trend. You don't need AI in your chastity belt. End of story.

JUNE: So, that's it for today. I hope you enjoyed my review of the worst chastity belt I've ever worn. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. I will try to answer them as best as I can. If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you want to see more of my content, I do have a Patreon that contains more explicit content. The link is in the description. And as always, thank you for watching. Until next time, stay denied and stay happy. Bye!