戴着可穿戴科技参加 AP 考试

今天考 AP。

监考老师:Good afternoon. According to College Board regulations, the following electronic equipment is prohibited: phones, smartwatches or any other wearable technology...

我:*Raises hand

监考老师:Do you have a question?

我:Yes... Did you say wearable technology?

监考老师:I did say that. You do have to take off any of your wearable technology.

我:...Here? In front of everyone?


我:*Slowly takes off my skirt


我:I don't have the key... The chastity belt won't come off...

监考老师:...If that is the case, you can keep it...

我:Oh, thanks!

监考老师:...And you can pull your skirt back up...




监考老师:Are you okay?

我:S... Sorry, there are v... vibrators inside me... I am okay...

我:*orgasms and moans loudly immediately

其他考生:*stare at me

监考老师:If you are okay, can you try to keep your voice down? Others are trying to focus here.

其他考生:We are fine. She can make whatever noise she wants.



College Board:*Disqualifies everyone's score

其他考生:Worth it.